Based as we are in two creative cities with restless and innovative young communities, it’s natural that we find ourselves intrigued by places around the world that mirror Manchester and Leeds in that respect.
The sun is key to all our lives and a sunny day makes us all happier (vampires aside) but, did you know that the sun is also great for making a myriad of photographic prints. Over the years many different approaches have been devised to use the suns power to make prints.
It's nearly that time of year when things get a bit spooky and there's usually a party or two and scary outfits are needed. We thought we'd try the Snazaroo out and do a freaky face paint design.
We love dogs here at Fred's, in particular, Our shop dog Morus and Clare's gorgeous Frenchie Olive, so it won't surprise you that we have a fair few dog-related products in the shop. See our top pick gifts for dog lovers..
We partnered with Manchester Craft Mafia (MCM) a few years back, supporting the group's creative activities; so we thought it was high time that they presented their work in our Manchester window.