What IS she wearing?
International Women's Day Thursday Late at Manchester Art Gallery

Instigate Arts is calling out for artists/creatives working in any medium to unsettle the status quo through art, creativity and sartorial sensibilities.
Society piles the pressure onto women to look good, whilst simultaneously considering dedicated followers of fashion as frivolous and fake. Ahead of the Fashion & Freedom exhibition and to celebrate International Women's Day, we take an intersectional exploration of the aesthetics of protest and consider how clothing and style is used to shape, define and own gender, sexuality and identity.
From the Suffragettes to Red Lipstick Day, the Slut Walks, the Pussy Riots to butch and drag, women have long utilised that which is used to restrict them, to strive for freedom and an identity on their own terms. Manchester's 2016 International Women's Day theme is 'Women's Voices', and through an evening of intersectional feminist art, performance, film and debate we'll explore how women have used style to speak volumes! And ask what is the liberation and liability of sartorial expressions of identity.
Instigate Arts are looking for performance based and visual pieces, installation, sonic, video, spoken word - any format is encouraged. The work must respond to the issues we aim to address. They are particularly interested in work that has an intersectional focus and are also interested in work that has an interactive element.
Instigate Arts aim to bring together a mixed and varied conceptual and aesthetic exploration of the intersectional considerations of women and fashion for this one-night event.
All work/performances must be self-contained in that materials used are appropriate to the art gallery space and are non-disruptive towards the other works in the gallery.
Instigate Arts have a small budget to pay artists for their work TBC.
To request a submission form or for further information please contact:
Deadline: 5pm 8th January 2016
Instigate Arts is a newly formed Community Interest Company established by Anne Louise Kershaw and Kevin Burke.
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