* AIR *

Our Progress with Fred Aldous Leeds
We've been working hard to get FA Leeds ready to open, the old walls have come down, we've moved the staircase, painted the floors and now our signature pegboard stands are getting installed. Here are a few photos to show you all where we are up to.

Whilst we were last over at FA Leeds we got a chance to meet our new neighbours Art Hostel the recent project from super arts organisation East Street Arts.
East Street Arts is a contemporary arts organisation in Leeds who focus on the development of artists through a comprehensive events programme, membership activities, professional development, and studio/facility provision. Their Art Hostel project has been in the making for years, and now they have a venue confirmed for this pop up hostel, right opposite us! Find out more about the project and how you can help East Street Arts with their vision here.
We can't wait to be neighbours and are really excited to see the development of the Art Hostel over the coming months.

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